My poetry collections

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Here are my poetry collections about depression, healing, and self-love.   

“Confessions of a Wallflower” 💙

“I Am The Architect of My Own Destruction” 💙



Stay warm inside a blanket with a cup of tea.

I hope these words will find a way to touch your heart.

Give yourself a break


Give yourself a break.

You don’t have to be productive every day
to feel like you are enough.

Make some time for afternoon naps,
cloud watching
and sunlight.

Recall every compliment
you’ve received lately and believe them.

Be aware of moments
when you can get out of your way to be kind
to someone and realize that you’re capable of change.

Take it to heart
how life can be so simple and so idle
and still be filled with much peace and much love.

Remember, every now and then
to be gentle with yourself and take some time
to go outside and breathe in the beauty of calmly evolving.

Your progress won’t be ruined
if you take some time to be realigned with yourself.

Take all the time you need.