Small Packages


Recovery comes in small packages. It finds you and gives you little things to hold on to when you’re feeling hopeless. Like for the days you practiced gratefulness, you notice that you’re slowly starting to appreciate where you are in the here and now—you become more aware of the beautiful things that are already within you that will help you to grow. Like for the nights you practiced self-care, you notice that you wake up more early and feel less tired—you become more awake to the things that are genuinely important to you and the ones that are simply a waste of your precious time. Progress happens when you least expect it to happen and when you become mindful that it is happening, moment by moment, day after day, from sunrise to sunset, then you will be surprised by the miracle of how far you’ve actually come and how you should always keep moving forward.

6 thoughts on “Small Packages

  1. this is right where I am in my life right now: ” Like for the days you practiced gratefulness, you notice that you’re slowly starting to appreciate where you are in the here and now—you become more aware of the beautiful things that are already within you that will help you to grow. ” Thank you for the post.

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