I Am Just A Dreamer


I like to close my eyes sometimes and dream of the future.


I wake up one day, and I am mentally healthy. That I have won my battle against my mental illness. That things don’t bother me that much anymore. Like the butterfly effect, passing time, the number eight and thinking that I’m make-believe.


I wake up one day, and I just do the things that I do. I write the books that I want to write. I post the blog posts that I want to post. I run regularly under the deep blue sky while the sun shines on me like I am a flower that has survived wilting.


I wake up one day, and I’m just happy because I am healed, and I am living like it means something. I wake up one day, and I don’t even think about killing myself because life is full of possibilities that don’t scare me because every path in life is the right path. And if alternate realities exist then so what? That won’t stop me from trying to live this prime existence of mine fully.


I like to close my eyes sometimes and dream of the future. I like to open them not without a sense melancholy that I will eventually get better.

19 thoughts on “I Am Just A Dreamer

  1. Hey Juansen, thank you for liking my post, which brought me to your blog! Wow. Your poetry is absolutely wonderful. I’ve been scrolling thru, reading your posts. I love Cumulus. I can relate, and I love how you word everything concisely.

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