Just keep on Growing

Start over

If you’re in search of a fulfilling life, 
remember, “Just keep on growing,”


Growing requires balance
& your ability to listen to your body.


When you need to rest, 
then rest.


Eat well.
Be hydrated enough.
Get extra hours of sleep if need be.


Don’t over exhaust yourself to success.


Self-endangerment isn’t efficient
& burning out isn’t the same thing as shining.


If you’re in search of a fulfilling life,
remember, “Just keep on growing,”


Growing requires resilience
& your capacity to harness good stress.


When purpose exists in your pain,
so does passion.


Follow your heart.
Embrace your own uniqueness.
Be enthusiastic with your work as you can be.


Do your best in your work and make it feel like play.


Self-actualization is the result 
of your unconditional love towards your own special process.


is the garden of your mind that’s focused on its own progress.

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