My Experience In A Mental Health Facility


June 25, 2017, I was admitted to The One Algon Place because I tried to kill myself. I just couldn’t handle the anxiety that I was experiencing on a daily basis. 

During my stay at Algon, I learned, rediscovered and experienced a lot of things. First, I learned how to wash my clothes in my first week. I learned how to interact better with people even though I’m a very introverted person. I also learned how to control my obsessions better by trying to be okay with uncertainty and letting go of the thoughts that I think aren’t healthy for me and as well as focusing myself on the present.

Second, I rediscovered my passion for singing. And people really did tell me that I have a nice voice when we had our music therapy session during my second week of stay there. I’m thinking that I should enhance it more by having voice lessons in the future as it will also serve as a form of therapy to me.

Third, I experienced the wonderful community that helped me put my brain back into its right spot. I made so many friends who are also struggling with all sorts of mental illnesses, and that made me feel less alone with the challenges that I face every single moment of every day.

So to all of my fellow students/patients at Algon, I wish you all the love, hope and healing in the world. 

I am now and always forever changed.

45 thoughts on “My Experience In A Mental Health Facility

  1. It’s so wonderful that you embrace the differences in the world and don’t succumb to being a idiotic bigot with judgement and ignorance. Well done. You should definitely be a therapist of some sorts. This world really needs people like you. So encouraging and positive.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m so happy you found some treatments and techniques that work for you! Stick with them like glue. Life is a slow, steady process of building skills, including the skills of calming and caring for ourselves. Therapy really works. Mindfulness really works. Outlets for self-expression like writing and singing really work! I wish you all the best! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, I, and I’m sure so many other people were wondering what had happened and where you had gone, my fears were confirmed in your piece here. So sorry that it came to that, I can empathise with you to some degree. I’m so pleased that you have got through such a difficult time and have the sense of a new life that you seem to have. You are such a beautiful person on the outside, I’m relieved that you seem to be just as wonderful on the inside as well now. We look forward to reading your posts again I hope? unless this brave new world you are in takes you off to do other exciting things with your life. Welcome back ! Dxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Frankly not easy to live in a world full of conflict and contradiction; relate interaction better said than in real life. To live is to be able to tell our stories, good life or bitter ones; endless stories and poetry about how we feel, think and relate.

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  5. I’m glad you survived the dark journey you were on in a way it brought you some light discovering new things about yourself and knowing you aren’t alone.
    sending you good vibes!
    “Through dark places there is always a bit of light don’t give up you could be the one to make it shine brighter!” a little quote someone told me ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow what a whirlwind the last while must have been for you. I just hope many others with similar anxieties and feelings read this and take encouragement from it. Well done and wishing you the very best in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Welcome back. Great to see that you have got a grip of whatever that was bothering you. Looking forward to more of your posts. We have to go through tough times to learn who we really are and you did.

    Liked by 1 person

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