Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately

Hey πŸ™‚

This won’t be poetic or anything.Β 

I am really tired. I have been feeling a lot more anxious and depressed lately. I have been trying to hold everything all together. My creativity, my blogs, and my other social media accounts. Most especially my mental health which is going not so well lately. I have been having compulsions and obsessions lately, and that is because of my obsessive-compulsive disorder in the past and is now beginning to come back strongly, and I strongly believe that it is because of the anxiety that I have been feeling each day lately.

And as some of you may know I am working on my first poetry collection that I am set to self-publish early next year. And it’s really doing well…. I think.Β 

It has 100+ poems/proses that I have never published in any of my blogs and social media accounts. And I just have this strong feeling that I can do much better and I still have less than two months to really really work on my first poetry collection.Β 

And I think that one of the ways to maximize my creativity in order to produce high-quality works is to drop some load in managing and using social media like facebook, twitter, this wordpress blog, and instagram (for awhile). And just focus on my Tumblr blog mostly because I am really doing well there in terms of trend and site traffic statistics.Β 

So yeah. I would just be posting some personal stuff here occasionally. Same with Twitter. And as for Facebook, I’d just update it once a month with a boosted post. And as for instagram, I’d be back on it once I get my mental health altogether. Β 

What really really matters now is the quality of my first poetry collection that I am currently working on.Β 

I am being pressured to go back to college again by my dad mid-next year. And he only has little to no idea on how chaotic my mind isΒ for the traditional education system. And what I want and need is to follow my dream to become a successful author. And that’s what I will do. And that’s what I will become.Β 

At least my mom somehow understands my situation…. I think.Β 

Anyways, I have so many things in my mind, and I don’t think I’ve tackled everything so I might post more personal stuff very soon.Β 

I’ve left this blog post untagged and uncategorized, so only my loyal readers may read it. Thank you for the support. I am really really grateful to all of you. πŸ™‚

You may continue to read more of my poems, quotes, and proses on my Tumblr Blog:ΒΒ πŸ™‚

Also here’s my free Grammarly referral with free one-week premium for those creative writers reading this who have not tried it yet:ΒΒ πŸ™‚

Be well, everyone. πŸ™‚Β 


Love always,

Juansen Dizon

34 thoughts on “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately

  1. Hi. I’m sorry you are not feeling well. I don’t feel too good myself at the moment but I list what needs to be done and try and get some of it ticked off. I’m under pressure with college as well, or at least a job, but getting the balance right is going to be difficult and I’m not sure I’m ready. I’m on a lot of social media sites as well, it can be overwhelming when you’re trying to concentrate on a writing project. You can always link your Twitter and Facebook account to Tumblr? Take care. I’m positive you’re going to be very successful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. πŸ™‚ I’ve seen you a lot on Goodreads. πŸ™‚ I actually remember scanning a preview of your book when I checked your Goodreads that brought me to Amazon…. anyways.. I always do have a checklist and start with the easy ones.. then that motivates me more to go on through the hard tasks. Haha. It’s really hard with depression. But at least I still get things done. πŸ™‚ Thank you for your positivity and encouragement in what I do. I wish you all the best with your passions and everyday life. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. IDK what to say about college. I enjoyed all of it through grad school and paid for it with a few grants, a few loans, and a few gifts. But while I learned a lot, it’s been worthless thus far professionally. I have to wonder where I might be if I’d had the discipline to have saved all my poetry and self published much younger. Go for it. And, given the opportunity to go to college, I’d still go.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Whatever you’re feeling, I hope you know that it’s okay, and I’m glad you’re still manifesting it into creativity. Keep going! You’ll make it. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I often struggle with depression/anxiety “spikes” that are above my abnormal “normal,” (all wrapped up in my chronic PTSD). I have no answers but to make sure you are breathing deeply as often as you can, and know you will be OK. Keep on keeping on, and good luck with the poetry collection!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry you are having a hard time. I love your writing and poetry so much, but it’s nice to see a post like this. I will miss you on here! Hope you pop back in sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s awesome that you’re working on a poetry collection. I’ve really enjoyed the things you post here, so when you self-publish let me know! I can totally relate to wanting to focus on writing projects of my own, unfortunately I’m still in school and that’s not really something I can put aside… so I think it’s great that you’re going to concentrate on what really matters to you!
    Good luck! πŸ™‚

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  7. I think there’s something energetically in the air, I don’t feel my best either. Others I speak to feel the same. I literally think there is some kind of universal shift going on. Anyway, your not alone, and thanks for reminding me neither am I.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi, good luck with everything, and I so hope you feel better soon. General stress and anxiety always brings on my other symptoms, and provokes the worst feelings. I so hope you get your poetry out there in the way that you want to. I hope to do the same! Just need to keep working at it. “And what I want and need is to follow my dream to become a successful author. And that’s what I will do. And that’s what I will become.”- you sound like you have a great attitude, and such positivity in pursuing your dreams. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Please take time for your mental health and your book, we’ll be here when you get back.
    If you need to reach out though, remember we’re here to listen.
    You should be so proud of all you are accomplishing.
    Take care of you, and good luck on your book! I believe in you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well knowing the subject well, depression, do Not stress yourself. “The most important thing is to do what You like. It is that relaxes as well as gets you all energized” But you need to prioritize. There can be really One Interest that need to be on top. If you go to do too many things naturally you become stressed. You need to go with the flow πŸ™‚
    I also have many interests and do a lot of things. But even my blog I only write when I get the need. I have even being told not to stress even writing on the blog it should be something that relaxes me, gives me worth and bring me joy πŸ™‚
    I know every persons circumstance are different. But one can recover or control most mental issues. Go step by step, do not do too many things all at once. Life is a journey that you enjoy as you go along. Take Care and Love and Light from me πŸ™‚ ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I hope you get to a healthy mental state! Congratulations on self publishing your poetry, that is a very big accomplishment! Your doing great just take a day at a time (easier said than done, I know)
    Everything will be better soon! I look forward to all your future posts.I enjoy your posts and they definitely make me smile.

    Liked by 1 person

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