

Have you ever woke up from a dream and slept and dreamt of the same dream again? And then you wake up and realize that what you’ve just dreamt is the continuation of the same dream you’ve just had?

It’s annoying but at the same time—breathtaking. To realize that you’re following a specific dream in the island of your own mind.

And what we can learn from this is a simple and overrated saying in life.

To follow our dreams.

12 thoughts on “Dreams

  1. This is the second blog post I’ve read today about dreams. “I can’t talk to you right now, I have to get back to my dream,” are words I’ve spoken on more than one occasion. I LOVE it when I am able to resume a dream. If dreams are truly our subconscious trying to work out the issues of our conscious lives, it seems only natural that we be given a “second chance” once in a while at resolving them while asleep. Neat post! 🙂

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